“Reframing ice adhesion mechanisms on a solid surface” is the most recent publication whitin the SURFICE project

Developing new anti-icing materials is challenging, but testing them and assessing their performance is easier said than done. Laboratory tests are important to boost the development of these novel materials in the right direction. The most recent publication whiting the SURFICE project, “Reframing ice adhesion mechanisms on a solid surface” provides guidelines to improve the reliablility of small-scale ice adhesion tests.

Luca Stendardo, Irene Tagliaro, and Carlo Antonini from University of Milano-Bicocca, Giuilia Gastaldo, Valérie Pommier-Budinger, from ISAE-SUAPERO, involved in the SURFICE project, collaborated with Marc Budinger from University of Toulouse and Pablo F, Ibañez-Ibañez from Univeristy of Granada in this work, where they have been able to clarify and apply important fracture mechanical concepts to one of the most used ice adhesion testers in laboratories: the horizontal shear test.
This manuscript would be useful to clarify important concepts regarding different ice adhesion tests.